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Clean Coconut Rough

Gluten free, Dairy free, Paleo, AIP



  • 3 tbsp of carob powder (you can also swap for cacao powder)

  • 3 tbsp coconut oil

  • 1/4 cup shredded coconut (enough until the mixture has thickened)

  • NOTE: If you wish to make more or less of this recipe, you can just increase the amounts of oil and powder to your liking. (1:1)



  1. Line a plate or tray with baking/parchment paper

  2. Heat a saucepan on the stove at a low to medium heat (you DO NOT want this too hot)

  3. Add coconut oil and wait until it melts

  4. Add carob or cacao powder and stir through with a wooden spoon until all lumps are gone

  5. Once its all mixed through, add the shredded coconut and stir through to ensure all of the chocolate liquid is soaked up

  6. Take the mixture off the stove top and let it slightly cool

  7. Now, use a spoon and your hands to roll the mixture into balls and place on baking paper

  8. Once you have finished, place the coconut rough balls in the fridge or freezer to set (10-15mins) then Enjoy!! 

       * Must be stored in the fridge*                   

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