Anxiety in the gym... It's a real thing!
Nov 25, 2018
Anxiety in the gym... It's a real thing!
Have you ever been so motivated and pumped to go to the gym then all of a sudden this feeling comes over you and you just cannot for the...
Dec 27, 2017
Top Tips to staying healthy while travelling
Apart from staying active, training others, helping others achieve their goals & keeping fit, another love of mine is travelling! This...
Nov 25, 2015
FOOD: Friend or Enemy
Have you ever been asked to go out to dinner with friends or family, said Yes, then quietly freaked out in your head because you are so...
Sep 28, 2015
The struggles are real...
So, it’s been a couple of weeks since my last blog due to being out of the country, spending some much needed quality time with my...
Sep 8, 2015
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
How many times a day or week would you look at someone and think “OMG! They are perfect! I wish I could look like them!!”? Probably more...
Sep 1, 2015
Believing is just the beginning.
What is believing in yourself? How do you do it? All too often I hear from girls, women and even men that they feel they aren’t good...